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What is a concussion?


A concussion is a brain injury that may be caused by a blow, bump, or jolt to the head. It may also happen after a fall or hit that jars the brain. A blow elsewhere on the body can cause a concussion even if an athlete does not hit their head directly. Concussions can range from mild to severe.


Signs & Symptoms:


Athletes do not have to be “knocked out” to have a concussion. Less than 1 out of 10 concussions result in loss of consciousness. Concussion symptoms can develop immediately or up to 48 hours after the injury. Ignoring any signs or symptoms of a concussion puts your child’s health at risk!


Signs Observed by Coaches, Officials, Parents or Guardians


He appears dazed, stunned, or confused.


Unsure about the event, location, or the name of the meet.




Answers questions slowly.


Loses consciousness (even briefly).


Shows behavior or personality changes – irritability, sadness, nervousness, emotions.


Can’t recall events before or after the incident.


Symptoms Reported By Athlete:


Any headache or “pressure” in the head - how badly it hurts does not matter, as does nausea or vomiting.


Balance problems or dizziness.


Double or blurry vision.


Sensitivity to light and noise.


I was feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy.


Concentration or memory problems.




It does not “feel right”.


Trouble falling asleep.


I am sleeping more or less than usual.


Be Honest:


Encourage your athlete to be honest with you, their coach, and your healthcare provider about their symptoms.


Many young athletes get caught up in the moment and feel pressured to return to sports before they are ready. It is better to miss practice or meets than the entire season... or risk permanent damage!


Seek Medical Attention

Right Away:


Seeking medical attention on the day of the event is an essential first step if you suspect or are told your swimmer has a concussion.


A qualified healthcare professional will be able to determine how severe the concussion is and when it is safe for your child to return to sports and other daily activities. No athlete should return to activity on the same day they get a concussion.


No athlete may return to training, regardless of sport, until a healthcare professional clears them with a note specifying clearance. Athletes should NEVER return to the pool if they still have ANY symptoms. In case an athlete returns with a note and then complains of a headache or other symptoms during the practice,


Parents and coaches should never pressure any athlete to return to play.


The Dangers of

Returning Too Soon:


Returning to the pool too early may cause Second Impact Syndrome (SIS) or Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS). SIS occurs when a second blow to the head happens before an athlete has completely recovered from a concussion.


This second impact causes the brain to swell, possibly resulting in brain damage, paralysis, and even death. PCS can occur after a second impact. PCS can result in permanent, long-term concussion symptoms.


The risk of SIS and PCS is why no athlete should be allowed to participate in any physical activity before a qualified healthcare professional clears them.




A concussion can affect school, work, and sports. Along with coaches and teachers, the school nurse, athletic trainer, employer, and other school administrators should be aware of the athlete’s injury and their roles in helping the child recover.


During the recovery time after a concussion, physical and mental rest is required. A concussion upsets how the brain typically works and causes it to work longer and harder to complete even simple tasks.


Activities requiring concentration and focus may worsen symptoms and cause the brain to heal slower. Studies show that children’s brains heal after a concussion for several weeks.


Returning to Daily Activities:


1. Be sure your child gets plenty of rest and enough sleep at night – no late nights.


2. Keep the same bedtime on weekdays and weekends.


3. Encourage daytime naps or rest breaks when your child feels tired or worn out.


4. Limit your child’s activities that require a lot of thinking or concentration (including social activities, homework, video games, texting, computer use, driving, job‐related activities, movies, and parties). These activities can slow the brain’s recovery.


5. Limit your child’s physical activity, especially those activities where another injury or blow to the head may occur. Have your qualified healthcare professional check your child’s symptoms at different times to help guide recovery.


Returning to School:


1. Your athlete may need to initially return to school on a limited basis, for example, for only half days at first. This should be done under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional.


2. Inform teacher(s), school counselor or administrator(s) about the injury and symptoms. School personnel should be instructed to watch for:


a. Increased problems paying attention.

b. Increased problems remembering or learning new information.

c. Longer time needed to complete tasks or assignments.

d. Greater irritability and decreased ability to cope with stress.

e. Symptoms worsen (headache, tiredness) when doing schoolwork.


3. Be sure your child takes multiple breaks during study time and watch for worsening symptoms.


4. If your child still has concussion symptoms, they may need extra help with school-related activities. As the symptoms decrease during recovery, the extra help can be removed gradually.



Returning to the Pool:


1. Returning to the pool is specific for each person. For example, California law requires written permission from a healthcare provider before an athlete can return to play. Follow instructions and guidance provided by a health care professional. You, your child, and your child’s coach must follow these instructions carefully.


2. Your child should NEVER be on deck, practice, or participate in the competition if they still have ANY symptoms. (Be sure your child does not have any symptoms at rest or while doing any physical activity or activities that require a lot of thinking or concentration).


3. Ensure that the athletic trainer, coach, and physical education teacher are aware of your child’s injury and symptoms.


4. Your athlete should complete a step-by-step exercise-based progression under the direction of a qualified healthcare professional.




Insurance—USA Swimming provides an excess accident medical insurance policy through Mutual of Omaha for members who participate or volunteer in a USA Swimming-sponsored or sanctioned event. Insurance coverage details are on the USA Swimming website under Insurance and Risk Management.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Zurich Concussion Conference (2012)

Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012. 

ODH Violence and Injury Prevention Program

National Federation of State High School Associations Index concussions and see “A parent’s guide to concussion in sports.”